The Sunday Mail reports on new research into the sexuality of women over 40. It found that women were far more likely to reach orgasm when masturbating alone than with their partner.
55% of women with no partner could achieve orgasm every time alone, compared to 24.6% with a partner.
The study, called “What does sexuality mean to older women?” looked at 500 older women and measured their changes over six years.

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It also reinforced the findings of the Hite report – only 30% of women can orgasm through intercourse alone.
It found that 56% of women aged 40 to 80 were sexually active while 27% of women over 70 were sexually active.
Not surprisingly, women became less interested in sex as they got older.
What I find interesting about the report is the surprisingly low percentage of women who can orgasm through masturbation. I’d say that the women in question were all brought up in a far less enlightened times, when masturbation was frowned upon, so perhaps it’s not as common for older women to fiddle the bean as it is for those born since the 1970s.
You could also say that the partner sex isn’t that good either, perhaps because their hubbies are still thinking that penis-in-vagina sex is the only way to go.
At the same time, surely these are the women of the first feminist revolution? Why aren’t they having a better time in bed?
I am 46 and find that I enjoy sex now more than ever. I am more self-confident, and not interested in having more children, which frees me to have fun. I know how to take care of myself, and am better at communicating than I was when I was younger. Men like this. I find that men like smart self-confident women who like sex. They like that I am large (more than 200 lbs although only 5’6″).
As you pointed out, perhaps the older women being less interested in sex is a function of being raised when masturbation was taboo. I figured out how to masturbate before I knew what it was called, before I had heard anyone talk about it, and before I could feel guilty about it. I was 14 or 15, but lived in a very sheltered neighbourhood where sex was not talked about.
Sara, I just want to say right off the bat that masturbating is nothing to be ashamded of. I wouldn’t blurt it out in the street but in the privacy of your own home it is fine. I am a 50 yr old divorced female and I masturbate now more than ever. I do enjoy sex more than I ever have , however, I have found masturbation to be an enjoyable release. I too was raised in a home where masturbation was wrong. Like any other child I explored but it wasn’t anything that I did on a regular basis. It wasn’t until after my divorce that I started to explore more in dept so to say. I now know my body better than ever and I know what pleases me when I am with another. It is exciting knowing that I can have sex with who I want, where I want and when I want without leaving my own home.