Reading up on the history of Valentine’s Day at Wikipedia, I found that the Romans had some amusing customs for Lupercalia, celebrated on February 15, and they tended to involve naked men.

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Lupercalia, of which many write that it was anciently celebrated by shepherds, and has also some connection with the Arcadian Lycaea. At this time many of the noble youths and of the magistrates run up and down through the city naked, for sport and laughter striking those they meet with shaggy thongs. And many women of rank also purposely get in their way, and like children at school present their hands to be struck, believing that the pregnant will thus be helped in delivery, and the barren to pregnancy.
Luperaclia was eventually conflated with Valentine’s Day, but the nudity seems to have disappeared.
I’m all for bringing it back. To hell with roses and sappy cards. Get your tackle out!