OK, so a month ago I posted about not knowing what to do with Myspace.
I think I’ve got it worked out. I found a way to make the page look nice (without it being too unreadable), I’ve sat down and listed my favourite movies, TV shows and books, and I’m now on a search for friends.
This last thing is a fraught business. Right now I’ve got 10 friends. 10. There are people on Myspace who have 10,000 friends. Now, despite the fact that nobody in their right mind could actually maintain 10,000 friends, I’m jealous. I want to be that popular too.

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Yep. Myspace puts you back into high school, worrying about who likes you, and how high up you’ll be on their cool friends list.
So tonight I’ve been trawling around, plaintively hitting the “Add as friend” button in the hope that I can bump up my popularity rating a bit. Hoping they’ll say yes. Hoping I impress them. Maybe they’ll want to come over and play if I’m extra nice to them.
Actually, I can see the networking benefits involved. Hitting “Add as friend” is just a way to say hi and introduce myself to industry people who I know or know of. And to find a few new contacts who I may want to work with in the future.
The other thing that’s fraught is the issue of padding out the profile. I originally wasn’t going to do it, but I thought: what the hell. So now visitors to my page will get the lowdown on my musical tastes, as well as what movies and TV I like.
And the thing here is, I’m a complete dag. The music and TV I like are very, very uncool. Yes, I admit I enjoy listening to Abba. Yes, I love Dr Who and Star Wars. Yes, I can quote Monty Python extensively.
As I filled in the blanks, I found myself wondering if people put in fake info to make themselves look cooler and better read. Like that UK survey that found a third of British adults have lied about what books they read to make themselves appear more intelligent.
I mean, I could have put in that I like to read James Joyce and Tolstoy while watching French film noir, sipping absinthe and contemplating suicide, but I’m not sure it’s the image I want to project. I’m sure you’ll think better of me for being honest.
Then again, will anyone take me seriously now they know of my secret enjoyment of 70s Swedish pop and British science fiction?
Yes, it’s a very fraught business indeed.
Here’s the Ms Naughty Myspace page. Please be my friend. I really am nice, you know.