A while ago I wrote the post Ms Naughty Is About Porn For Women, partly to rant about dropping down the listings in Google, and partly as an attempt to get the search engine’s attention for that particular phrase.
I thought I’d bring it up again because over Christmas, Google gave Ms Naughty another big boot up the clacker, and now I’m on page 16. What’s more disturbing is the bazillion bestiality spam pages that have been ranked ahead of me.
Thing is, while I was away over Christmas there was a huge kerfuffle because Violet Blue, Tony Comstock and Chelsea Girl got the same boot, and successfully made themselves heard on the topic. Tony actually got to talk to Matt Cutts from Google about the issue and the whole thing was featured on Boing Boing.

Support independent, ethically made, award-winning porn. Bright Desire features all of my erotic films and writing. A membership to Bright Desire gets you access to every movie I've ever made and lets me keep making female friendly porn!
Click here to find out more.
(The blogs in question reported being back in the rankings, and then disappearing again, possibly due to being mentioned on Boing Boing, which has a PR of one bazillion).
There was some discussion about the idea of Google not liking “indie porn” and preferring more commercial porn. I’m not sure that’s the way it is. There’s no doubt that people selling crap sex toys and bestiality sites are more likely to engage in spammy, underhanded tactics. Those who are earnestly attempting to be honest about what they offer on their sites tend to get trampled, even if Google says it likes content rich, non spammy sites.
I liked this comment at Boing Boing by Violet:
Practically speaking, there *is no other search engine*. and when someone (or something) has so much power over individuals and no transparency about their process… you live in constant fear that you’re going to do something (you have no idea what) or that something will change (you never know when, or what), to make you disappear.
I think that’s where I’ve lived since the 2003 Florida update, actually.
Perhaps it’s time to be thankful for Microsoft’s Live search engine. It’s due to be bundled in with copies of Internet Explorer this year, so it may well be the Google killer.
In the meantime, I guess I need to work on my Google listing.
Update 12 January: PBS has an extensive article on the Google blog thing.
“no transparency about their process”
That’s just not a fair statement IMO, as Danny Sullivan pointed out to her. Google has Matt Cutts, Adam Lasnik, and Vanessa Fox constantly responding to webmasters on forums. Not to mention we’ve got Google Group Webmaster Help where both Vanessa and Adam answers site-specific questions. It’s also not a bad place to get some relatively informative feedback from other webmasters.
As for your blog, I know you’re not asking for anyone’s opinion, but I see 93 pages in the main index, and the rest in the supplemental index. I recommend putting nofollow on links like
http://www.msnaughty.com/blog/?feed=rss2 unless you really want them in the index.
I’d also put nofollow on affiliate links. For example, I’d nofollow that link to AEBN.
Last thing – the links to for the girls galleries probably help out forthegirls.com, but since they appear on every page, IMO they’re hurting your blog. Again, I’d personally nofollow those links unless those galleries are in Google’s main index and they’re pulling in regular sales.