Jenny raced down from the porch of the log cabin and threw herself into Mike’s arms. It had been three weeks since they’d seen each other, and now they were alone for the whole weekend.
He kissed her hungrily, his strong arms surrounding her in a circle of warm love. She’d missed him so much…

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Suddenly he was kissing her eyes, her ears, her neck, and then he was unbuttoning her cotton dress like a man possessed. She smiled with pleasure and let him undress her, secure in the knowledge that her cabin was so secluded no passers-by would see them.
He nudged the dress from her shoulder and kissed her there, then eased it down to her waist. He cupped her breasts and kissed her neck, sending shivers down to her boots. She loved the way he used his hands… and his mouth.
She reached over and began to unbutton his shirt, and then to loosen his belt. He wore jeans so well… but she wanted him out of them. He helped her take his pants off, until he was naked and proud before her. His cock was long and slightly bent at the end; an idiosyncrasy she adored…
Read the rest of this hot story here…
Story courtesy of For The Girls.