So I was musing about the whole Snakes on a Plane thing and admiring Playboy’s take on the title (Snakes on a Playmate) when I decided to jump on the bandwagon.
Behold: Trouser Snakes on a Plain

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Yes, yes, it’s terribly exploitative and kind of cliched, but jeez I had a lot of fun making that little site. Do you like the slithery penises in the logo?
It took me a long time to write the text. It’s actually really hard to write like you’re Samuel L. Jackson when you’re a woman.
I’ve had the photos for a while now, but I’ve always liked them. They’re really quite artistic.
It’s all very silly and sometimes I can’t believe this is how I spend my time. Nonetheless, enjoy.
Update 25th August
I was on a roll. Behold: Dykes on a Plane.
That’s a cute site.