According to German researchers, women with red hair have more sex.
“The sex lives of women with red hair were clearly more active than those with other hair colour, with more partners and having sex more often than the average. The research shows that the fiery redhead certainly lives up to her reputation.”

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So here’s the thing. I’m a redhead. I’ve got freckles and pale skin and I’ve been there with the not-so-amusing nicknames. I know of lots of people who don’t think redheads are sexy at all – the bastards – so I’m wondering how these German redheads are finding more partners.
As for me… well, I’m not sure if being a pornographer skews my results a little. But I must say this survey has me feeling a little intimidated. It seems I’ve now got a scientific expectation to live up to. I’m sure my husband will be thrilled.
ANYWAY, I’ll distract you from that comment by talking about the lovely redhead in my pic: It’s Miss Bunny and she’s a real redhead with heart-shaped nipples. I think if she was part of the sample, it would explain some of the results.
This would be because of the sheer number of redheads in Germany. It’s the new black being a redhead