Praise the Lord! Seems that 20% of all fine, upstanding, moral Christian woman just can’t help but enjoy their porn.
At least, that’s what the latest dodgy poll by a Christian website suggests.

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Of course the term “addicted” is nonsensically defined by the Second Glance Ministries group as “use on an ongoing basis”. The self-selected poll of visitors to the Christanet website also found that “60% of the women who answered the survey admitted to having significant struggles with lust, 40% admitted to being involved in sexual sin in the past year and 20% of the church-going female participants struggle with looking at pornography on an ongoing basis.”
Jebus, save us!
If I may quote from the Wikipedia article on the word “addiction”:
The medical community now makes a careful theoretical distinction between physical dependence (characterized by symptoms of withdrawal) and psychological dependence (or simply addiction). Addiction is now narrowly defined as “uncontrolled, compulsive use”; if there is no harm being suffered by, or damage done to, the patient or another party, then clinically it may be considered compulsive, but to the definition of some it is not categorized as “addiction”.
Ongoing use of porn without compulsion or harm could more properly be described as:
– A hobby
– A diversion
– An amusement or entertainment
– A sex aid
– An attempt to find information or ideas
Of course, if you want to define “addicted” as “use on an ongoing basis” then an awful lot of people are addicted to church. That’s where ExExExChurch comes in, helping to break the problem of church addiction with parody and porn.
Praise the Lord!