In May I posted about my experience inside the MMU Community at Red Light Center. I tried it out because they said it was designed to be female friendly. To sum up my thoughts: No sir, I don’t like it.

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This week Regina Lynn has posted her review of Red Light Center at Wired. Seems that I’m not the only one who wasn’t impressed. She invited Wired users to give their opinion on the site, and most of the women weren’t too happy with what they saw. Indeed, their complaints were very similar to mine.
Reading the women’s comments, I could see each one pushing back from her computer and flinging her hands up with disgust.
“My biggest gripe is that the guys have actual clothes and women have to walk around in itty bitty slutty underwear and teeny tiny strappy high heels,” wrote one. “Do they seriously think this is women-friendly?”
“It struck me as a very guy ideal,” said another, who admits that she found the virtual environment difficult and distracting in general. “As for the porn available, there are easier ways to surf for naughty bits.”
… It’s not that the world is unwelcoming or that women wouldn’t enjoy it as it is — but after all the build-up, I was expecting something more balanced. Certainly it needs male pole dancers, and more “working boys” to balance the working girls.
The site’s creators say they’re adding new features all the time, including the amazing ability for the female avatars to take their shoes off. Phew, thank goodness for that.