A few months ago I read that writer Audacia Ray had visited the set of Candida Royalle latest movie. That raised my “porn for women” antennae and I awaited new developments.
In June, she announced that she was going to make a bisexual movie for Adam and Eve studios: “one that features boys doing boys, girls doing girls, strap-ons, and boys and girls doing each other, in all sorts of interesting combinations.”

Support independent, ethically made, award-winning porn. Bright Desire features all of my erotic films and writing. A membership to Bright Desire gets you access to every movie I've ever made and lets me keep making female friendly porn!
Click here to find out more.
Sounds good.
She’s detailed the vagaries of casting in her blog, and on Monday she made this post: Turns out that Tasty Trixie and housboy Tucker are going to be in the movie.
I’ve known Trixie for a long time on webmaster boards and her intelligence and integrity has always impressed me. And now she’s going to be in a movie!
It feels a bit strange, to be honest. There’s always been this line of us-versus-them when it comes to websites and porn movies. We webmasters are the poor cousins in a way – silicone valley always gets the press while “internet porn” is almost always discussed in negative, sleazy “think of the children!” terms.
So to have one of “us” cross over to “them” is kind of exciting.
In any case, Audacia is promising to blog about how the movie progresses. I’ve added her site to my links.
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