According to this report, restaurants, bars and other businesses in Japan are increasingly adopting special “women only” times, during which men are barred from entering. Apparently the blokes are getting a bit tetchy about it, saying it’s reverse discrimination.

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What got my attention was this paragraph:
Even adult businesses are getting in on the act, with Umeda Nikkatsu Gekijo, a theater showing exclusively softcore porn, setting aside its final row for women only in the hope it can dispel the widespread belief that adult movies are for men’s enjoyment only. It chose the back row to protect the women from peeping tom’s leering at them from behind. Women can also get a 33 percent discount if they attend a stick flick in pairs.
The article goes on to say that business owners make more money: “Women are generally better spenders than guys are… women’s only places make more money than men’s only joints.”