Thanks again to Tony Comstock for directing me to the Always Aroused Girl and this review of his new film Damon and Hunter: Doing It Together.
I just had to laugh at this paragraph:
My thoughts were reduced to cave-woman-speak. Porn good. Cock hard. Hard hard cock. MustHaveCock. Mmmmmm porny goodness. ComingcomingcomingBIGorgasm. Short rest. Must come more. ComingcomingcomingANOTHERbigorgasm.

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Can’t you just see that quoted on the boxcover?
It makes me wonder if I’ve been a little too, well, wordy in my porn film reviews. Maybe a little too intellectual. Because goodness knows, that paragraph makes me want to watch the film.
Comstock Films has only just released Damon and Hunter, so I won’t get a chance to see it for a bit (international post always takes a few weeks), but I am looking forward to reviewing it. And yes, I think I should review it for For The Girls, even if it’s a film featuring gay men, because it’s by Comstock, and it sounds hot.
I for one pride myself on never having been called “too intellectual.”
Hope you enjoy the movie as much as I did. Send me a link to what you write, will you?