I’ve finally got a follow-up to this post. Both XBiz and AVN report that Under the Covers, the latest film from Candida Royalle’s Femme Productions company, is due for release in September.
The film, a comedy featuring performers from New York and LA, has just wrapped.

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Apparently Candida was attended on set by Playgirl columnist and sex educator Jayme Waxman. The latter has written her own erotic feature and will direct her own film at some stage in the future, with Candida being executive producer.
Candida is also acting as executive producer on Dare, described by AVN as “an urban, hip-hop erotic adult video for the market of ethnic women and couples.” The film is in pre-production and will be directed by Abiola Abrams, a multi-talented writer, musician and television host. From what I can gather, this could be the first “black” porn for women film*, which is a huge step forward for this genre.
Candida says it’s always been her intention to “groom young female directors to create female driven adult erotica for Femme Productions.” Nice to see that this educational desire is starting to bear fruit.
Jayme Waxman’s blog features a couple of recent posts featuring her, Abiola and Candida. On April 28 she spoke at a “Visual Narrative Discourse” Event at the New School for Social Research. The event was titled “Sex, Pornography and Women’s Bodies Re-imagined Through An Erotic Feminist Lens”. This post has a photo showing all three speakers.
* I get the feeling that phrase could be somehow offensive. It’s not meant to be. I just mean that it’s going to reflect an African-American/black sensibility and be aimed at women.