It’s Sunday, I should be having a day off.
Instead I’ve been watching dirty movies to review them, occasionally switching them off to check the cricket score.

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I’ve been using headphones connected to the TV so the rest of the neighbourhood doesn’t have to hear “Nnnyeah, uh, mmm…” (slap slap slap) – or the cricket score for that matter.
I’ve found that I can save time (and become less bored) if I watch the DVD on Scan 1 (1.5 times the speed). So I can still hear any dialogue but the long painfully boring sex scenes go a lot quicker.
Anyway, I thought I would post a nice naked man to keep you all happy. I like this photo, the strong lighting is dramatic and shows off his muscles. He’s an older guy, and he’s got a hairy chest, which means he’s quite the rarity.
There’s more artistic monochrome photos of naked men on this page: Men in Black and White