The Courier Journal of Louisville, Kentucky, has an interesting interview with former Playgirl model Kevin Talley.
In December 2005 Kevin was voted by readers as Playgirl’s Man of the Year after appearing in an original centerfold spread in April. Unfortunately for female fans, Kevin got divorced, drunk, depressed, and subsequently found Jesus in the interim months.

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He has now turned down the offer to be man of the year, with all ensuing money, contracts and moist adulation going by the wayside.
Apparently he felt it would be morally wrong and would set a bad example to his daughter. He’s also quit working as a male stripper. “Every day I left that place I felt a little bit dirty about it,” he said.
I haven’t seen the original photos but judging by the pic published on the Courier Journal page (left), Kevin is quite the hottie. I can’t help but think he’s a sad loss to the female perving world. Then again, perhaps female attendance at Kevin’s baptist church is waaaay up.
Hey there! Thank you for adding my story to your blog!
A little note that was misunderstood…. I was NEVER a stripper or plan to be. I was signing my magaiznes for “Make a Wish” Foundation while there was an all-male review at the same club.
I was married 8 years, had a bad divorce after she was pregnat from someone else. I had a 4 month re-bound relationship and then went out like a mad man to the clubs to make up what ever I flet like i missed out on. New Year (04-05) I was extremtly sick after drinking and didn’t want to do that night club scene any longer. Soon after I met the woman of my dreams and turned my life around.
Doing the magazine again would have added too many problems in my life that I no longer wanted. Modeling for guy and girls can be and is a dirt biz! I have seen it!
All The Best,
Kevin talley
Thanks for commenting (and for reading my blog). It’s a shame the newspaper didn’t check it’s facts.
I’m glad you’ve found happiness with your new partner and wish you the all the best in the future.
Hello again! I wanted to share this picture with you and let your readers know that I’m still surviving without Playgirl Magazine.
I am getting ready to go into the Loan Officer Biz here in Louisville, KY and plan to open a fitness training facility in the next year.
I wish you and all your readers the very best!!
Kevin Talley