Excuse Me, Penises Aren’t Ugly

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Rash of Penis Photos www.thedailyshow.com Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog The Daily Show on Facebook It’s been in the news for weeks and I thought I’d finally weigh in on the whole Anthony Weiner penis photo drama. Not because of all the glorious jokes that can be made about dicks but because of the Read More …

The Male Gaze Strikes Again

Sheesh. I’m shaking my head at this EW article: Is Wolverine the most homoerotic movie ever? The writer declares the whole movie to be GAY GAY GAY because Hugh Jackman takes his shirt off and there’s a naked fight scene. Because male flesh can only ever be shown in a gay context and it’s not like there’d be any chicks in the audience of an action movie, right? Thankfully a Read More …

Are Erotic Book Covers Sexist?

Thanks to The Girl for pointing me in the direction of Erotica Cover Watch. This is a new blog that asks the question: why are only women featured on the covers of erotic books? It’s a very good point and the topic naturally delves into the whole feminist issue of the male gaze and the continued way that straight women are still considered to be non-visual. It all comes down Read More …