During our December photoshoot I was trying to think about funny and artistic ways we could shoot our male models beyond the usual “I’m naked with my hard cock out” pic. I did a few artistic rip offs, as you can see in the post The Artistic Male Centerfold.
These photos were inspired by my bookshelf. More specifically, I thought my collection of feministy, porny titles would probably look much better if I got a naked man to hold them.
As you can see, Dan here does an excellent job of holding my books for me. I used to be a librarian before I started to make porn. Apparently the “sexy librarian” has become a porn cliche (she rips off her glasses and shakes out her hair!) but only when depicting women. I thought I’d turn the tables.

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I also deliberately chose those books because I wanted to make a statement about feminism and porn. The books in the pile include The Porn Report, The Hite Report, both of Nancy Friday’s books on female fantasies, Susie Bright’s Sexual State of the Union and The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf. I also included the weighty Attorney General’s Committee on Pornography report which was the result of Andrea Dworkin’s famous campaign against porn.
When we take a photo of a naked man, it’s still a revolutionary act. We have a lot of history behind us, including a history of repression and censorship. But we stand on the shoulders of women like Shere Hite and Nancy Friday and Candida Royalle and all the rest.
I admit, I had to photoshop the second pic. I don’t own a copy of Gail Dines’ anti-porn book Pornland. I intended to buy it for the photo session but was shocked to discover it was over $40 to buy. I found myself reluctant to contribute money to that particular author, given that she is so unrelentingly negative in her portrayal of porn and in favour of censorship. So we got Dan to hold another book and I’ve pasted in the cover.
Still, makes a nice image, don’t you think?
Gail Dines insists porn is exploitative. Are we exploiting the young and delightful Dan by taking a photo of him like this? I’d say no; we paid him well and we didn’t make him do anything he didn’t want to do. He had originally planned to be full frontal naked but he changed his mind. That was OK, we still paid him what we promised and everyone was happy.
Are women being harmed by this photo? Uh, I’m not sure. Anyone? How are you coping with this image? Is it causing you to turn to drugs, or to rush out and have abortions, or whatever harm it is that’s supposed to come from viewing porn? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Has this photo made you addicted to porn? Not sure. Maybe I should check back in an hour or so.
Anyway I hope you like this pic. It’s my final contribution to Lady Porn Day. At least, until tomorrow.
Oooo, I love to read, can he pick out some books for me?
Another great post.
More Dan, he’s delicious! I want him on the covers of my books!:) Happy Lady Porn Day!
Both Jane and I thought so. He just made us fall under his spell. By the end of the session we were giggling like schoolgirls. My husband who was there at the time just rolled his eyes at us.