Apparently yesterday was “Steak and a Blowjob” day. The idea is that Valentine’s Day is all about giving women roses and cards and a month later it should be the boy’s turn.
Well, screw that! Valentine’s Day is about love (or is that commercialism?) and it’s about expressing love, no matter what your gender. If men think it’s about being forced to buy cliched gifts for women, that’s their problem.

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If the men want a sexually-themed “show you care” day, then I demand one for us women as well. Let’s start the Cake and Cunnilingus Day movement right here, right now. Let’s make the official day April 14, since that’s a month after the men’s day.
Cake and Cunnilingus Day should be about female pleasure. About enjoying life’s pleasures without guilt or shame. About gorging down chocolate mud cake as our lover sticks his eager tongue into our hot, wet pussies.
Let’s make it about demanding equal rights to pleasure in bed. Let’s use it to say that we deserve an orgasm EVERY TIME! Let’s storm the porn factories of California and demand female orgasms in every movie!
To the barricades! Take no prisoners!
Update 16 March: I like this idea so much I made a companion site: Cake and Cunnilingus Day. And then I was thinking about all the other names for such a holiday: Muffins and Muff Diving, Punani and Pudding, Candy and Clit Licking… This is fun! Unfortunately the 14th April is Good Friday this year, so perhaps we should move the day to the 15th April.
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