Love Is… Obscene Now

So… what would the magistrate make of this cartoon, I wonder? Child-like people – with no genitals – obviously engaging in foreplay. These drawings are officially “people” in Australia now and I’ve technically just posted an example of CP. The Love Is… cartoons first appeared in the 1970s when we weren’t so prudish. Wikipedia has a nice rundown of their history. If you think this is a one-off, check out Read More …

Stop Australia, Please, I Want To Get Off

Next weekend I’ll be attending a protest rally to speak out against the Australian government’s ludicrous ISP filtering plan. Meanwhile, today has seen several news stories that just make me shake my head in disgust. What’s happening to this fucking country? How did the sex panics get this hysterical? First: Man charged over viral baby-swinging video. A guy who shared a video of a child being swung in the air Read More …