Rio Carnivale Pics.. Of Hot Guys

Hot guy at Rio's CarnivaleHave you noticed how every news outlet happily includes a photo of a near-naked woman when reporting about Carnivale in Rio?

And have you also noticed they way they DON’T include any photos of scantily clad men?


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This despite the fact that there are plenty of buffed Brazilian men gadding about in next to nothing as well.

The reason is, of course, that everyone is afraid of “catching the gay.” It’s assumed that every guy doing that must be gay, and that to even look at a photo of a guy dressed like that will make you gay.

That may be the case during the Gay Mardi Gras here in Australia but I don’t think it applies to the devil-may-care Brazilians.

Even Google’s image search for Carnivale brings up nothing but chicks in skimpy feathered outfits.

So I was pleased to see this blog posting photos of some hot Brazilian guys enjoying the festival. Yes, it’s a gay-friendly blog but I don’t care. I want to see more of it, goddammit!