Women Have Sex Dreams Too

A new Canadian survey has found that women have sex dreams as often as men.

Research from the past suggested that women did not dream about erotic situations regularly, however it’s entirely possible this may have been due to a lower level of reporting – women weren’t supposed to think about that kind of thing.


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Health 24 says that on average people dream about sex 8% of the time.

The Herald Sun reports that people’s sex dreams often follow stereotypes. Men often dream of multiple partners, while women focus more on sex with celebrities or past lovers.

There was also this interesting development:

The women recounted scenarios where they were turned off by something that happened or the pace of proceedings. For the men, it was more often a case of their virtual partners refusing to engage in certain activities, or their sexcapade plans falling through for some reason.

The survey group consisted of 108 women and 64 men who logged their dreams over two to four weeks.